Friday, November 18, 2011

change of seasons

As much as we miss California we really appreciate the change of seasons here.

Yesterday was a gorgeous late autumn day- clear skies with a few fluffy clouds, warm breeze...It's hard to believe that it could change overnight (having had a couple of heavy snowfalls this year already we are prepared:)), and yet the snow on the ground will be welcome.
Today -slightly colder, but still bright sun and fairly warm outside. We decided to talk again about seasons changing and what it means for plants and animals.
The book that helped us do it is Four Seasons:Uncovering Nature by Annie Jones - a beautiful present from friends. The book contains loads of information and is beautifully illustrated.

Another book we enjoyed is Autumn Story ( Brambly Hedge) by Jill Barklem. Sweet story and gorgeous illustrations.

After reading we did an art project , inspired by this picture I found on pinterest. This project took us two days to finish.
Day one: We sketched a forest scene on a large sheet of paper- some trees, animals. Second step was separating sheet vertically into four equal parts- one for each season (initially it was done in pencil, when D. was ready to color I erased pencil and traced a line with a white crayon). Day Two: D. traced outlines with crayons using appropriate colors for each season (bright green for fresh grass, gray-blue for snowy ground, dark brownish-green for autumn grass, etc.). The forth step is painting each part with watercolors. Add some outlining with oil pastels and glitter accents and voila!

Happy Weekend to All!


  1. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not post a comment.

    I have a blog also obviously and would like to invite you to become my blog friend...

    I mostly post about the South West experience through the perspective of personal writings, and my art.

    Maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon… :)

  2. Hi,Jesse! Thanks for stopping by. Sure I'll follow you, no problem. You have very interesting art:)

  3. This is a great art project...we love capturing the changing seasons, every so subtle as they may be in our neck of the woods. Feeling like four days is really plenty "school" for my first grader I have been working on a 'art for friday' project! This would be a perfect friday project for us.
    All the best to you,
    thanks for stopping by my sunny little corner of blogland! Hope to 'see' you again.

  4. Thank you,Marie!


    Thank you,Mairah! Have fun with the project :)


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