Tuesday, October 19, 2010

fall crafts- something borrowed

A few wonderful crafts from my favorite blogs :) Thank you, all the crafty ladies, for the inspiration.

D. took the idea of "tracing around" a little too literally :)

C. helped a lot with painting the leaves for this one, we had to give her a bath afterward:)

This is a great idea, we loved this project!

D. picked leaves for this one with special care, they had to be perfect :)

It's so much fun to make fall crafts- the colors are so warm and inviting.


  1. Such wonderful Autumn crafts they look wonderful,I can feel the leaves falling all around. I would love to make the leaves and lantern with my princess.

    Have a gorgeous day Anya. xxx

  2. I'm so happy you did the Autumn window display -- all the crafts turned out beautifully! What fun!!

  3. Foxglove Spires, thank you! <3

    Thank you for the inspiration, Valerie :)


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