Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sweet Saturday

Such a good day. Took D. to the story time at Barnes and Noble, then he played with friend . Gathered some leaves for a few projects I have in mind- the colors outside are so lovely and warm! Couple of stories, baking, a movie...if only every day was like this :))

Today's special treat is the Pear cake. It is a very simple recipe, it can be made with all kind of fruits (adjust amount of sugar accordingly to the sweetness of fruit) or even meats and veggies (cut the sugar entirely and add some salt to taste)
1-2 large pears (or any fruit)
handful of sliced almonds (optional)
Pear Cake
2 medium eggs
2/3 cup of sugar ( less if brown sugar is used)
2/3 cup of Greek yogurt or sour-cream (I prefer yogurt)
1 cup of all-purpose flour (can be used 60/40 with whole wheat)
1.5 tsp of baking powder

1.Preheat oven to 375 F
2. Beat eggs well, add sugar and beat again.
2. Add yogurt and mix very well.
3. Add flour and baking powder and mix until there's no lumps.
4. Slice pears and put them into a pie pan, pur the mixture over pears, mix if desired.
Sprinkle sliced almonds on top.
5. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until light brown (a toothpick should be dry when inserted).


  1. Thank you for joining my blog!
    I discovered you and I look forward to follow your adventures! I am proud to be your first member!
    Read you soon!

  2. Sounds like you had a perfect day and your pear cake looks delicious.

    Thank you for visiting and joining my blog and today. xxx

  3. thank you for following my blog. I think i may have to try this recipe. I like me a good cake and the yogurt works well in our house. 2 eggs? Really?

  4. Amanda,thanks for visiting :) I hope you like it. 2 eggs yes, just beat them really well :)


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