Monday, November 14, 2011

Pondering Tuesday-kids and technology

During a conversation on one of the message boards I participate in I stumbled upon this article : A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute which discusses Waldorf approach for children of Google executives. The article makes strong points about not rushing kids into the world of technology and letting him learn through human interaction first. The comments are also most interesting and I recommend reading them.
We are not practicing Waldorf approach, although I find a lot of great ideas on related blogs and articles that I implement in our home studies.  We aren't totally screen-free, although we don't watch TV, except for movies on DVDs, we don't have a gaming console, but D. recently discovered some simple computer games, which he plays every day for 15 minutes. This article made me wonder: what if the limited exposure that my children have to technology is still too much? Sure a computer is a great learning tool, but do my children need it as an entertainment? We do a screen-free day every week, now I'm thinking should it be every other day, maybe? Sure, a cartoon can give me half an hour break that I really need sometimes, but has it become so invaluable that I can't think about any other option to keep kids quiet and entertained?

The answer is of course- balance. In truth I felt that our media time is out of balance lately, it's time to restore it. 

Another thing that really made me wonder is a movie I saw the other day -"Castaway on the moon". The protagonist was left on an empty island in the middle of the river and in view of the city without any means to get off . Poor guy was forced to survive on this island for some time. On the other side there's a girl whose life is all about technology- she doesn't leave the house and lives through the computer screen. The movie showed how basic life skills are still more important  than all the technology in the world. How technology makes us lonely sometimes, no matter how many facebook friends we have. And it makes me think- it is important for my child to be educated, but their education has to include more simple things such as cooking and sewing and gardening, there has to be more interaction with nature. More interaction with people, for me especially. We made new friends recently, it made us  happy. It is important not to forget that.

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