Thursday, March 22, 2012

Field trip to DAM- games to play in the art museum

Another wonderful field trip provided by our homeschooling co-op!  We visited one of the best museums in Denver in my opinion- Denver Art Museum. Our first visit was a great success, this time around a docent was leading the tour and activities were more varied. It was a great learning experience and some games kids played today we played at home before, some were new. Next time we come or even just look at art in albums, remembering today's art adventure,we will play the following games:

1) Face expressions on portraits. It's a good idea to discuss what kind of mood a person on the portrait must have been and try to guess what kind of personality the person on the portrait had.

2) Tell a story. The docent offered children an opportunity to make up a story while looking at a Japanese scroll painting. I remember making up stories while looking at paintings one of the favorite quiet games of my childhood. Another interesting way to play would be to find a picture that would continue the story- that might be easier to play if there are several pictures of the same artist or the same style.

3) Imitate a picture. Creating living pictures was a popular entertainment before the age of radio and TV. It's a good idea to try and imitate a pose on a picture.

4) Find a color. Pick a color and try to find it on a picture or all the pictures in the gallery. At home we tried to play it bingo-style using playing cards sets from different museums.

5) Live inside a picture. Pick a painting and try to imagine yourself inside it. Where would you hide? What does it feel like? This activity was a favorite of my son's today.

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